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The Grounded Solutions Network Housing Conference will be back May 27-29, 2025 at the Capital Hilton in Washington, D.C.! We hope you’ll join us at the only national event dedicated to housing solutions with affordability that lasts for generations.

Who Should Attend?

Everyone who is part of the lasting affordability ecosystem. Our conference is designed for housing and community development practitioners, advocates, policymakers, national experts, funders, and others who are interested in advancing housing with lasting affordability.

What to Expect?

The conference will feature a series of engaging sessions that highlight innovative housing policies, thoughtful shared equity housing programs, and community-led solutions. In addition to these sessions, conference attendees will have the opportunity to join a tour and get an on-the-ground glimpse of the exciting affordable housing work and progress toward racial equity taking place in the nation’s capital. Attendees will also have the option to visit Capitol Hill to meet with Congressional offices and advocate for housing with lasting affordability in federal programs and appropriations.

What's New This Year?

Tracks: This year, our concurrent breakout sessions will be organized into three distinct tracks that align with our conference themes of policy, practice, and power. For those with a particular interest or a particular professional development goal, this new approach should bring new clarity to the conference agenda and a sense of coherence to your experience like never before. 

Learning Lab: We are excited to introduce a dedicated space for learning at our 2025 conference. Learning Lab sessions will take place during concurrent breakout sessions, offering another option for practitioners and other attendees who want to explore and discuss the day-to-day challenges and opportunities that come with operating a shared equity program. These sessions will be highly interactive, practical, and focused on sharing knowledge and expertise. The three Learning Lab sessions will focus on the broad topics of development, stewardship, and organizing. 
Exhibitor Hall: Our 2025 conference will feature an Exhibitor Hall to facilitate networking between attendees and vendors who offer products and services that can support our sector. 
Regional Meeting Spaces: We’ve carved out dedicated meeting spaces for attendees from different regions of the United States to gather, network, and meet as coalitions. 
Hill Visits: Take advantage of being in DC to advocate for housing with lasting affordability! Hill Visits are an add-on event that will provide attendees with the opportunity to meet with Congressional offices on Capitol Hill. Grounded Solutions will schedule the meetings and provide materials to help attendees prepare in advance.

What's the Registration Fee?

The Early Bird registration fee, available now through March 31, 2025, is $475 for Grounded Solutions Network members and $675 for non-members. Not a member? Join us today!


Grounded Solutions Network Members

General Admission

Early Bird Rate
(available through March 31)
$475 $675
Standard Rate
(available through May 14)
$575 $775
On-Site Rate
$675 $875